What is AV?

AV enhances communication between humans. It creates a common experience and understanding.

It’s Audio

Communications sound systems, amplified voices, music and sound effects.

It’s Visual

It's a visual aesthetic, display screens, videos, lights, darkness and movement.

Interactive Experience

AV uses art and technology to communicate ideas, emotions, and information...to set a mood...and to influence perception.

What is an AV system for? Communication.

When you have a message to communicate to a large group of people, and face to face or written communication won't do it, AV technology is used to get it across. If you are making a presentation in a large auditorium, a sound system can help amplify your voice and people can see your gestures and expressions via live video feed. AV Tech helps you simulate a face to face interaction with thousands of people at once.

AV Career Pathways

AV systems may also be used to enhance a presentation. AV technology such as lighting, visual effects and audio effects make a presentation exciting. AV systems control which images are displayed, which microphones are live, what effects are used throughout the presentation, and what is being recorded.

Hyatt Guest Room

AV systems make it possible to communicate beyond a single room or building. Cameras and microphones capture the message and spread it to remote locations via recordings or live stream. The mics, the cameras, the recording devices, and even the networks, are all part of the AV industry. So now you know that these systems exist to help people communicate more effectively by amplifying, enhancing, controlling, capturing and spreading their messages. All the devices used to do this can be considered part of the AV industry.


But what about the people in the industry? What do they do? We manufacture the equipment, we sell the products, we design the systems. We set up the rooms and tear them down. We install, operate and maintain the systems. We make communication work. And when the needs change, we’re ready with the latest innovative solutions.

Sofitel Welcome Wall


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$25 for individuals to join (scholarships available). If your school has an AVIXA membership, all students and faculty memberships are free.

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